SLP Environmental donates laptops to refugee students

SLP Environmental donates laptops to refugee students

Press Release: 9th September 2024


SLP Environmental has recently donated office laptops to the Life Raft International and Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Urban Education Program. The laptops will be distributed to refugee students participating in their General Education Diploma (GED) Study Group Program in Bangkok, Thailand.

The GED Study Program is run in collaboration between Life Raft International and the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and allows students who have not had access to formal education receive a recognised high school level qualification. With their general education diploma, refugees can pursue higher education and a wider range of jobs in their country of resettlement.

Life Raft International assists refugees from around the world who come to Thailand hoping to obtain official refugee status. Currently, there are approximately 8,000 refugees in Bangkok, with the largest group being Christians from Pakistan. Many refugees have fled persecution in their homelands, but still struggle to survive in Thailand. They are forbidden from working, don’t speak Thai, and are incredibly isolated. Every day they are at risk for arrest.

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Thailand provides educational, emergency, health, and pastoral support to refugees and asylum seekers living in both camps and urban areas. In Bangkok, JRS Thailand works with urban refugees and asylum seekers, providing financial support and educational training and opportunities to migrant children from Myanmar.

Thailand continues to be a host country for thousands of refugees and asylum seekers from neighbouring countries such as Myanmar. At present more than 90,000 refugees from Myanmar reside in 9 camps along the Thai-Myanmar border. Thailand has not ratified the 1951 Refugee Convention and therefore the government considers asylum seekers and refugees to be undocumented migrants. Consequently, refugees are not protected by law in Thailand and are subject to arrest. In Bangkok, most of the urban refugees come from Pakistan, Somalia, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Rachel Djamaludin a volunteer with Life Raft International commented “I wanted to thank you for your donation. I know the students will be really grateful to have greater access to learning resources online, the opportunity to practice computer skills and easier connection with their learning group on zoom”.

Liz Heath, Executive Director of SLP Environmental commented “Laptops eliminate physical boundaries and open doors to a wealth of resources, from online libraries and educational videos to interactive learning platforms. Like with all students, these educational opportunities are vital and we hope our donation will help refugee students with their studies here in Bangkok and provide them with the support they need to succeed”.