Environmental & Social Due Diligence

Environmental & Social Due Diligence

Cement Plant, Mandalay Region, Myanmar


SLP Environmental Co., Ltd was appointed by the borrower on behalf of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to perform bi-annual Environmental and Social (E&S) Performance Monitoring and OHS Auditing services on a Category A cement plant operation located in Central Myanmar. The primary objective of the four year assignment is to assess the borrowers compliance with (and implementation of) project specific requirements in the project’s Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), applicable IFC Performance Standards, WBG Sector Specific EHS Guidelines and numerous environmental and social (E&S) safeguards subplans developed for the project under its ESMS.

The project comprises of a large cement plant and ancillary operations including limestone and mudstone quarries. The project is situated in a rural highland area characterised by natural, and to a lesser extent, critical habitats, and threatened species have been confirmed present within the Area of Influence (AOI) of the project.

In additional to the core ESIA and ESMP documentation prepared for the project, other various project specific E&S safeguards subplans have been developed for the project under the projects ESMS, including a Biodiversity Action Plan (including Biodiversity Offset Management Plan), Stakeholder Engagement Plan (including Grievance Redress Procedure), Contractor Management Plan, Supplier Screening Procedure, Workers Grievance Mechanism, Workers Accommodation Plan and a Community Health Program.

In addition to the E&S performance monitoring aspects of the assignment, SLP also conducts OHS compliance audits at the facility against a list of key OHS performance indicators developed for industrial facilities by SLP. Furthermore, SLPs brief also includes providing other ad hoc technical support to the borrower with respect to capacity building, technical review and onsite training etc.

SLP issues biannual performance monitoring surveillance audit reports which present the findings filed under relevant E&S theme, along with a risk rating and prioritization for action.

Each performance monitoring surveillance audit report also includes an Implementation Tracking Matrix allowing the sponsor and lender to analyze E&S performance over time, identify trends and prioritise and escalate any repeated shortcomings in E&S performance.