Steel Foundry, Ban Bueng, Thailand
SLP Environmental Consultants (Thailand) was commissioned by a global client to design, implement, manage and verify a Phase 3 Soil Remediation package of works.
One of the primary Environmental Remediation Strategies for the project was the disposal of the stabilized material to a licensed hazardous waste landfill.
Following the excavation of contaminated materials the contaminated soils were stabilized with proprietary stabilizing agents and transported to a licensed hazardous waste landfill for final disposal. Each load of contaminated soils were weighed upon arrival and the weight in metric tonnes received was recorded on the official Waste Transfer Manifest that accompanied every load. The contaminated soils were transported and disposed of in accordance with Thai legislative and regulatory requirements and an official six part waste manifest accompanied each load. The hauliers and disposal facility are licensed by the Department of Industrial Works to transport and dispose of hazardous wastes and their ID codes are noted on the Waste Transfer Manifests. A cradle to grave waste transfer manifest regime was strictly implemented and monitored during the works and SLP Environmental produced detailed waste transfer records and waste Transfer Manifests for all soils excavated and disposed off site appended in the Remediation Validation Report for the project.
In addition, to daily monitoring of the Waste Transfer Manifest for each load of contaminated soils leaving site, SLP Environmental Consultants undertook a Waste Audit of randomly selected loads of contaminated soils leaving the site. Our consultants followed the lorries in order to validate that the contaminated wastes were transported appropriately and were received at the hazardous waste disposal facility and complete Waste Transfer Manifests were available for each load.